Marching Drumline

Summer 2025

WHAT? A marching band whose members are visually impaired or blind? YES!

PWMB is presently working in a couple of key areas to make this a success:

  1. Soliciting musicians who are visually impaired or blind to play an instrument with others and could be highly experienced or beginning–and willing to put in some practice time
  2. In communication with institutions who may be recycling their percussion equipment as well as marching uniforms
  3. In communication with a highly capable and innovative university on the west coast to discuss and design options for PWMB’s functional requirements to utilize haptics technology that mitigates the need for sighted side marchers and bungee cords or fishing lines between the marchers to keep their positions while marching.

A target goal is to have a marching drumline for a parade in the summer of 2025.

Do you want to come on board with the new adventure? If so, contact PWMB at

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Whether you're brand new to music, ready to teach, or just cleaning out your closet, there's a place for you here.